Our trusted partners


The relationships we cultivate with our trusted partners within the supply chain are what truly enables us to advance our sustainability goals and drive industry progress. We engage directly with raw material suppliers on a regular basis, both independently and through industry roundtables.

We find the best solutions to difficult challenges in partnership with our suppliers, farmers and communities

We have always held OSI facilities, global brands and suppliers to rigorous, industry-recognised standards in everything from food safety and quality to workplace safety and human rights. We’ve established ourselves in these areas by adopting best practices, equipping leaders and using data to track our performance. As we continue to expand our ambitions, we are applying the same strategies to the management of our sustainability goals.

Supplier code of conduct

All OSI Suppliers sign a Code of Conduct, which sets forth OSI’s safety and human rights requirements. The Code of Conduct requires suppliers to create internal programs for handling reports of workplace grievances, including anonymous reports, and to protect whistleblowers.

Suppliers are recognisable for prompt reporting (including to OSI, as applicable) of actual or suspected violations of law, the Code, or the Global Business Standards for OSI’s employees. This includes violations by any employee or agent acting on behalf of either the supplier or OSI.


Industry Influence

As a supply chain leader, OSI is also dedicated to sharing and promoting best practices beyond our company walls. We do this regularly through industry workshops and meetings. In 2019, OSI hosted a food safety workshop in Munich, Germany for all our protein suppliers.

Global food safety experts and technology vendors spoke at the event with the goal of disseminating best practices and initiating food safety conversation and progress. OSI also hosted a similar summit in 2018 and intends to continue convening our suppliers for open sharing of best practices in food safety.

Food Safety

We go above and beyond to ensure the high quality and food safety of our products. Learn more about our comprehensive practices.


Animal Welfare

We need to actively address the challenges facing our industry and the world in which we live.

Our Commitments